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Social Media

New Stars, New Language


YouTubers and Snapchat are among the trends brands should keep an eye on, if they want to reach Millennials, says the expert of Hungarian weCAN partner agency, Café Communications.    A new generation of influencers Today it is not a question whether brands should partner up with influencers or not. The real question is who they should cooperate with. Variety’s survey that examined who the most influential figures for American teenagers were in 2014 and 2015, found that only two of the top ten stars were mainstream celebrities. All the rest were YouTube faves. The same trend can be perceived in Hungary as well. Popular YouTubers have 150,000-200,000 subscribers – equaling the number of followers of famous Hungarian pop stars’ Facebook pages. One of the reasons of this phenomenon is that teenagers need points of reference owned exclusively by them. Pop stars are well-known by older generations, too, while YouTube celebrity world is fully understood by teens only. Besides, community building, one of the main features of the new generation of influencers, creates stronger emotional ties and thus affects consumer decisions heavily. Commenting, liking, sharing and following are activities that strengthen the feeling of belonging to a community and fulfill teens’ desire of identification. Also, instant and direct response is crucial to maintain the interest of members of Generation Z who have grown up using social networks – and that is exactly how new influencers’ world works. Snapchat is on the rise Social media is also going through a change. Although Facebook is still on top in Hungary, online social networks building on visual are gaining ground. The “being in the moment” feeling is much more intense on platforms that, besides enabling instant reactions, leave more room for creativity and self-expression. Snapchat is such an application, offering a sense of urgency unlike any other platform. Although Snapchat is known only by one-third of Hungarian Internet users, those who use it – and 90% of them are under the age of 29 – are very active on it. In this respect, Hungarians are very similar to users in other countries and we can expect the user base to expand extremely fast. So it is going to become of particular interest for brands to learn the “Snapchat language” and so to engage young generations in an innovative and relevant way. Live streaming will rock in 2016 The “being in the moment” feeling has become so popular that at the end of 2015, Twitter Periscope – one of the major live-streaming providers – had 2 million active daily users. Facebook, which can be considered as a latecomer in the field, announced that its News Feed ranking algorithm is now changed to rank videos that are streaming live higher than non-live video streams. So there is little doubt that in 2016, it is worth focusing on live streaming to fulfill the target audience’s demand for real live connection with brands in Hungary, too. Author: Orsolya Heuthaler, Senior Account Manager, Café Communications

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