Besides the two giants of the region, television and online, the three other media types have to share approximately 25% of the advertising spending. Print is the strongest of them, but this media type suffers the greatest loss with the advent of online. The regional average of OOH has been stagnating for three years, that of radio decreased by only 1%, but the downfall of print is still ongoing: it decreased from 17% to 12% between 2014 and 2016, and who knows when and where it stops.
Nevertheless, the money spent on print is still well above the regional average in certain countries. It is especially true in case of Estonia, where print takes up – believe it or not – one quarter of the overall ad spending. However, they also experience signs of decrease in spending. Print was the only media type with decrease in spending on the otherwise steadily growing Estonian advertising market (it grew by 8% from 2015 to 2016): last year it occupied 28% of the advertising pie, whereas it does 26% this year.
No significant changes have taken place in the OOH ranking. Bulgaria finished first again: outdoor advertisements have an especially important role in regionally targeted campaigns there. Estonia, with the most balanced media spending among the five media types, took the second place and Ukraine finished third (for the third time in a row). You can mainly find digitally developed countries towards the back of the list. Except for Russia, where OOH is still a popular media type and due to the new security requirements regarding the placement of billboards – passed in 2016 –, the segment is finally getting under control.
In the radio ranking, the first place goes to Latvia again. Neither the amount of radio media spending, nor that of the other types have changed significantly on the Latvian market in recent years. Companies consider decreasing their advertising budget rather then increasing them, and the advertising spending expected to come in from political actors after the municipal elections did not arrive to mediums either. Politicians – e.g. Nils Ušakovs, the mayor of Riga, popular also due to his social media presence – prefer addressing their voters in the social media than in radio ads or on other traditional advertising platforms.