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weCAN Digest December 2018

Media monitoring of the latest news about the media and advertising markets of Central and Eastern Europe Ascanius Media – new name of the agency network in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Croatia Agencies that have been operating within the Direct Media system in the markets of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Croatia have changed their name to Ascanius Media. Ascanius Media Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ascanius Media Croatia and Ascanius Media Slovenia continue to operate under a new name, as part of a new business strategy. Dec http://www.media-marketing.com/en/news/direct-media-sells-agencies-in-bosnia-and-herzegovina-croatia-and-slovenia/ #balkan Mattis Confirms Russia Interfered in U.S. Midterm Elections Secretary of Defense James Mattis confirmed on Saturday that the U.S. government has determined Russia attempted to interfere with the U.S. midterm elections last month. Dec 1 https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/01/mattis-confirms-russia-interfered-in-us-midterm-elections-putin-trump/ #russia How an Internet Impostor Exposed the Underbelly of the Czech Media [Tatiana] Horakova has never been photographed. She does not appear to have a medical license. Her nonprofit, which she has claimed employs 200 doctors, appears to be a sham. Her exploits, so far as anyone can tell, are entirely fabricated. Dec 3 https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/03/how-an-internet-impostor-exposed-the-underbelly-of-the-czech-media/ #czechrepublic Enemies of media freedom on the rise in Bulgaria, AEJ report finds An in-depth-ranging Report by AEJ-Bulgaria analyses the retreat of media freedom in the spheres of politics, business and society. Its troubling conclusion is that a repressive regulatory media environment and fierce campaigns to discredit investigative journalism strengthened the grip of the enemies of independent media in Bulgaria in 2018. Dec 5 https://www.aej.org/page.asp?p_id=657 #bulgaria German media report on Romania’s 1918 Union sparks controversy The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) said it took note with “consternation” of an article published by the German state press agency DPA – Deutsche Presse-Agentur and referenced by German TV station ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen) on the 100-year anniversary of Romania’s 1918 Union. Dec 5 https://www.romania-insider.com/german-media-report-romania-union/ #romania Antenna Group sells Serbia and Montenegro channels International broadcast company Antenna Group has agreed to sell its media operations in Serbia and Montenegro to Serbian media entrepreneur Srdjan Milovanovic for €180 million. Dec 6 https://www.digitaltveurope.com/2018/12/06/antenna-group-sells-serbia-and-montenegro-channels/ #serbia News Consumption And Media Trust In Ukraine Since 2013, Ukraine has seen the EuroMaidan revolution, the annexation of Crimea, and a lasting armed conflict in the East with thousands of soldiers killed and more than a million people forced to leave their homes. These developments also had an effect on the country’s media sphere. A new study now shows how news consumption and views of the media have changed in Ukraine over the last few years. Dec 6 https://en.ejo.ch/research/news-consumption-and-media-trust-in-ukraine #ukraine Hungary's Orban exempts pro-government media group from scrutiny Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has exempted a mammoth pro-government media group from scrutiny by the national competition watchdog, according to a decree published late on Wednesday. Dec 6 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-hungary-media/hungarys-orban-exempts-pro-government-media-group-from-scrutiny-idUSKBN1O51DW #hungary Estonia was attacked again on Kremlin TV On Sunday, November 25. Russian warships captured three Ukrainian ships in the Kertš straights. On Wednesday, November 28. the Estonian Foreign Ministry, summoned the Russian Ambassador in Estonia in connection with the incident. Dec 7 https://www.propastop.org/eng/2018/12/07/estonia-was-attacked-again-on-kremlin-tv/ #estonia Telia Estonia opts for Ateme Ateme’s Titan solution has been chosen by Telia Estonia to compress and package its next generation OTT offering. The project aims to extend the reach of HD services throughout Estonia and introduce new packaging formats. Dec 7 https://www.broadbandtvnews.com/2018/12/07/telia-estonia-opts-for-ateme/ #estonia Prominent Crimean Lawyer Jailed For Five Days Over 2013 Social-Media Post A Russia-controlled court in Crimea has sentenced prominent lawyer Emil Kurbedinov to five days in jail for a 2013 Facebook post made before Russian forces seized and subsequently annexed the peninsula from Ukraine. Dec 7 https://www.rferl.org/a/prominent-crimean-lawyer-jailed-for-five-days-over-2013-social-media-post/29643460.html#ukraine Hungary accuses Brussels of censorship after 'police action against controversial billboard' Hungary's government accused the Belgian capital of trying to censor it on Thursday after a van it commisioned to drive through Brussels with a billboard linking migration to terrorist attacks was stopped by police. Dec 7 https://www.euronews.com/2018/12/07/hungary-accuses-eu-of-censorship-after-police-action-against-controversial-billboard #hungary France to Probe Possible Russian Influence on Yellow Vest Riots France opened a probe into possible Russian interference behind the country’s Yellow Vest protests, after reports that social-media accounts linked to Moscow have increasingly targeted the movement. Dec 8 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-12-08/pro-russia-social-media-takes-aim-at-macron-as-yellow-vests-rage #russia Competition regulator fines Bulgaria's Elprom Troyan over false advertising Bulgaria's Commission for Protection of Competition (CPC) said on Tuesday that it has fined local electric motors producer Elprom Troyan over the company's unsubstantiated claims, published on its website, stating that the company holds a leading market position and a large market share in Bulgaria. Dec 11 https://seenews.com/news/competition-regulator-fines-bulgarias-elprom-troyan-over-false-advertising-636297#sthash.VNkcL4eN.dpuf #bulgaria Russian propaganda prompts alarm in Ukraine and France Russian propaganda activity has raised alarm of further escalation in Ukraine, amid separate concern on Moscow's role in recent French rioting. The Russian foreign ministry has, for the best part of a month, promulgated the idea that Ukraine was planning to use chemical weapons against fighters in Russia-occupied east Ukraine. Dec 11 https://euobserver.com/foreign/143664 #ukraine #russia BIRN Report Says Media Freedom Declining in Serbia A new BIRN report on the state of the media in Serbia notes abuses of funding, lack of pluralism in terms of content, an unclear legislative framework and administrative pressure on independent media as some of the most concerning issues. Dec 12 http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/article/birn-report-notes-diminishing-media-freedoms-in-serbia-12-12-2018 #serbia Top court rejects opposition complaints against campaign billboard law The Constitutional Court rejected complaints submitted by 55 opposition MPs against a law tightening regulations on political billboard advertising justified by the desire to protect cityscapes. Dec 12 http://hungarymatters.hu/2018/12/12/top-court-rejects-opposition-complaints-against-campaign-billboard-law/ #hungary ShowMax to exit Poland The SVOD service ShowMax will cease operating in Poland from the end of January, barely two years after it made its debut. News of its exit from the Polish market, the first it entered in Europe, was confirmed to Wirtualne Media by Magdalena Marzec, the PR manager of ShowMax Poland. Dec 12 https://www.broadbandtvnews.com/2018/12/12/showmax-to-exit-poland/ #poland BBC widens reach in Latvia The Latvian public broadcaster’s channel LTV7 has started carrying Russian-language news from the BBC. On Wednesdays, as part of the LTV7’s Russian-language programming from 19.00, there will be a live linkup with the BBC’s Broadcasting House in London. December 13 https://www.broadbandtvnews.com/2018/12/13/bbc-widens-reach-in-latvia/ #latvia Seimas takes to deliberating on LRT activities investigation commission’s conclusions again On Thursday, the Seimas returns to deliberating on the conclusions of the commission on the LRT’s activities. Legislative amendments were to be presented based on the conclusions, however the amendments were prepared without awaiting the conclusions being approved by parliament or a response from the Constitutional Court (KT). Dec 13 https://en.delfi.lt/lithuania/politics/seimas-takes-to-deliberating-on-lrt-activities-investigation-commissions-conclusions-again.d?id=79855785 #lithuania Law further restricting speech in Russia might negatively affect freedoms of media and of information on Internet, says OSCE Representative OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Désir today conveyed his concern about a new draft law in Russia which can impose excessive restrictions on media and citizens using their right to free expression online. Dec 14 https://www.osce.org/representative-on-freedom-of-media/406775 #russia SBU: Russia makes massive attempts to meddle in future elections in Ukraine through social media The Security Service of Ukraine has recorded massive attempts by Russian security services to use open toolkits of Facebook and Twitter to meddle in future presidential and parliamentary elections in Ukraine. Dec 14 https://www.unian.info/politics/10377771-sbu-russia-makes-massive-attempts-to-meddle-in-future-elections-in-ukraine-through-social-media.html #ukraine Controversy in Bulgaria over billboards promoting tolerance towards same-sex couples Billboards promoting tolerance towards same-sex couples, put up in various Bulgarian cities, have been targeted by vandalism and public outrage. The negative response has prompted organisers of the campaign to say that the reaction shows how deep the problem of homophobia runs in Bulgarian society. Dec 14 https://sofiaglobe.com/2018/12/14/controversy-in-bulgaria-over-billboards-promoting-tolerance-towards-same-sex-couples/ #bulgaria Press freedom in Poland under pressure at year’s end Poland ends 2018 with worrying developments in the climate towards journalists. As the country enters election season, leading up to parliamentary elections in autumn 2019, two separate incidents point to rising pressure on the press. Dec 14 https://ipi.media/press-freedom-in-poland-takes-hit-at-years-end/ #poland Serbia: Journalist’s house burned down – swift investigation demanded The Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS) on Wednesday called for an immediate investigation into the fire in the home of news portal journalist in a Belgrade suburb. Dec 15 http://seenpm.org/journalists-organization-demands-investigation-attack-portal-editor/ #serbia Russia using 'hardcore propaganda' against UK, warns top diplomat Latvia has raised concerns with Britain over what one diplomat described as "hardcore propaganda" against the UK and its allies aired by two Russian-language television channels that are registered in London. Dec 17 https://news.sky.com/story/russia-using-hardcore-propaganda-against-uk-warns-top-diplomat-11582753 #latvia New report on Russian disinformation, prepared for the Senate, shows the operation’s scale and sweep The report, a draft of which was obtained by The Washington Post, is the first to analyze the millions of posts provided by major technology firms to the Senate Intelligence Committee. Dec 17 https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2018/12/16/new-report-russian-disinformation-prepared-senate-shows-operations-scale-sweep/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.b2a938f2baa8 #russia New Czech DVB-T2 milestone A quarter of Czech households are now able to receive DVB-T2 services, according to the national transmission company CRA, quoting current surveys. However, it adds that the number will increase by the end of the year due to this being the main shopping season and interest in TV receivers. Dec 17 https://www.broadbandtvnews.com/2018/12/17/new-czech-dvb-t2-milestone/ #czechrepublic Hungary state TV hit as 'slave' labour law protests continue Anti-government protests in Hungary hit the country's public broadcaster on Monday, with the opposition galvanised by the furious reaction to a controversial new labour law. Dec 18 https://www.france24.com/en/20181218-hungary-state-tv-hit-slave-labour-law-protests-continue-orban #hungary Slovenia welcomes Italian amendment related to minority media The Slovenian Foreign Ministry has welcomed a planned change to Italian print media funding with which public funding for Slovenian minority media is to be preserved. Dec 19 https://english.sta.si/2587528/slovenia-welcomes-italian-amendment-related-to-minority-media #slovenia Croatia's Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Crnogorski Telekom sign 50 mln kuna (6.73 mln euro) cooperation deal The Croatian subsidiary of Swedish telecommunications equipment producer Ericsson said it reached with Montenegrin telecommunications provider Crnogorski Telekom (CT) a cooperation agreement worth more than 50 million kuna ($7.68 million/6.73 million euro) on Wednesday. Dec 19 https://seenews.com/news/croatias-ericsson-nikola-tesla-crnogorski-telekom-sign-50-mln-kuna-673-mln-euro-cooperation-deal-637246#sthash.NEqkRGCA.dpuf #croatia Ukraine to spend $550,000 for ads on CNN State-owned enterprise “The center of protection of the informational space of Ukraine” of the Ministry of Informational Policy ordered advertising service in CFC Consulting, which belongs to Hennadiy Kurochka, and spent $550,000 for that. The information about the competitive tender is published on Prozorro. Dec 19 https://112.international/ukraine-top-news/ukraine-to-spend-550000-for-ads-on-cnn-35282.html #ukraine 'Pinpointed For Murder': Media Watchdog Says More Journalists Targeted In Reprisal Killings Out of the 53 journalists killed on the job so far this year, 34 were targeted in reprisal for their work, a media watchdog said on December 19. In its annual report, the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said the danger of reporters being targeted for their journalism grew this year, despite a decline in the risks for war and conflict. Dec 19 https://www.rferl.org/a/media-watchdog-says-more-journalists-targeted-by-reprisal-killings/29664657.html #slovakia Societe Generale announces an agreement with a view to sell Societe Generale Serbia to OTP Bank Societe Generale has entered into an agreement with a view to sell Societe Generale Serbia (SGS) to OTP Bank. The closing of the transaction is subject to receipt of clearances from the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) and antitrust authorities. It is expected in the coming months. The scope of the transaction includes insurance and leasing activities in this country. Dec 20 https://www.societegenerale.com/en/newsroom/agreement-to-sell-Societe-Generale-Serbia-to-OTP-Bank #serbia Lithuania to ban kids’ mocktails or champagne-like drinks Lithuania is planning on banning companies from producing or selling soft drinks, foods, toys or any other goods aimed at children and teenagers that imitate alcoholic drinks or their packaging. Dec 20 https://iegpolicy.agribusinessintelligence.informa.com/PL218731/Lithuania-to-ban-kids-mocktails-or-champagnelike-drinks #lithuania Lithuania clamps down on TV piracy Lithuania’s Radio and Television Commission (RTK) has issued a binding order to ISPs forbidding them from giving access to websites that distribute TV programmes without its permission. Dec 20 https://www.broadbandtvnews.com/2018/12/20/lithuania-clamps-down-on-tv-piracy/ #lithuania Google gets e-money licence in Lithuania Bank of Lithuania has granted Google Payment an electronic money institution licence, authorizing it to issue and redeem electronic money as well as provide payment services. Dec 21 https://www.bankingtech.com/2018/12/google-gets-e-money-licence-in-lithuania/ #lithuania Russian media regulator to investigate BBC's operations Russia’s media regulator has said it will carry out checks to determine whether the BBC is in compliance with Russian law, in a retaliatory move after the UK regulator censured the Russian broadcaster RT. Dec 21 https://www.theguardian.com/media/2018/dec/21/media-regulator-in-russia-to-check-legality-of-bbc-operations #russia Draft national media strategy handed to Serbia government The Media Coalition said on Thursday that it had handed its draft of the national media strategy to the Serbian government for consideration. The statement said that the draft includes proposals and solutions advocated by the Media Coalition for a long time and warned that the situation on the media scene in Serbia was deteriorating daily.“ Dec 27 http://rs.n1info.com/English/NEWS/a447626/Draft-national-media-strategy-handed-to-Serbia-government.html #serbia Romania’s press freedom in free fall as its takes over EU presidency As Romania prepares to take over the European Union’s rotating presidency next week, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is concerned about the sharp decline in press freedom in this East European country and calls for active measures to combat disinformation and promote quality journalism. Dec 27 https://rsf.org/en/news/romanias-press-freedom-free-fall-its-takes-over-eu-presidency #romania

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