Comtech, the oldest Czech agency has been helping to build Czech brands for 30 years, but they also take care of large international clients as DHL, Amazon, Mercedes Benz, Red Cross, Sberbank, Schwartau. Did you know that 50% of our clients have been with us for more than 10 years?
Our story began to be written on Macintosh computers at a time when the use of computers for Czech advertising was still in its infancy. Both communication and information technology experts stood at the birth of the company.
Leg in the backpack & bronze in the bag
Our campaign for the TANEC Praha festival won bronze at the CLION AWARDS 2019 world competition. The CLIO Awards have been awarded since 1960 for outstanding achievements in the field of creative marketing. Their award ceremony is one of the most important advertising events.
We come with the #datacreatives tool!
It aggregates all data on target groups and displays the conclusions from them in a simple structure. This allows creatives to better understand their audiences when creating marketing campaigns and to more easily connect them to the promoted product or service. Data sources include data from the Czech Statistical Office, current research, behavioral studies or own DMP. The result is a simple table with the main findings, divided into sections according to age, lifestyle, sociodemography and media consumption.