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Social Media

From Brands to Opinion Leaders


In the early 80’s, music videos made radio stars tumble from the throne. Two and a half decades later, online video sharing services plotted against the life of music TV channels. This – still ongoing – process posed a challenge to linear broadcasting in general, since the online video content has been changing the content consumption medium. Although the viewers are seemingly the same, they can no longer control their favorite programs solely with the remote control of the TV. In fact, they have access to audiovisual content on any device, anytime and in literally any life situation. So they consume it! They don’t come across any difficulties in doing so, as they can access their favorite series anywhere: while standing in the queue (possibly downloaded from Netflix), on a tablet, or on the smart TV at 1:30AM thanks to time shifting. However, you can pamper your eyes with (often interactive) audiovisual content of outstanding quality on games consoles connected to the Internet, not to mention YouTube, where whole generations lose themselves in the enormous selection on a daily basis, generating an excessive quantity of minutes watched. In recent years, this trend has been supported by the growing sales of Internet-connected devices as well as the decreasing data traffic costs and the increasing speed of data transmission. If this tendency continues – and it certainly appears so –, the sweeping penetration of video content is seemingly unstoppable. From Consumers to Creators: Generation C There is yet another crucial difference compared to the situation 10-15 years ago. Multifunctional smart devices connected to the network are in the hands of multifunctional consumers who are also connected to the network. It’s getting difficult to think of this ever-growing consumer segment – the so-called Generation C – in terms of actual age groups. Their approach and attitude are a lot more telling. They are the ones who create and control content tirelessly with talent, while being connected with their online communities and often with each other around the clock. Their name also derives from the expressions creation, curation, connection and community. However, they not only control the whens and whats of their content consumption, but the conversion as well: they decide what, when, from where and from whom they buy online. They know and use their devices, possess diverse communications skills, are bolder entrepreneurs and more active than the average, being online indigenous people who grew up in the world of two-way communication. Authenticity, relevance and originality are the key factors in their eyes regarding online video content, so it comes as no surprise that they are the main consumers of YouTube as well. So, how many of them are there? It is no exaggeration to say that 80% of millennials (generations Y and Z) can be considered content consumers of Generation C, as well as potential creators and content sharers. They not only watch and listen, but they are also willing to create and share everything about themselves and the world that they consider as important, interesting and valuable. In truth, anybody with basic equipment, in the absence of advanced professional background can produce and share audiovisual content easily and simply. Is it any wonder then that the first-generation creative video makers (the so-called YouTubers) and opinion leaders (that is, influencers) with several millions of followers on other content sharing and social media platforms (e.g. Facebook and Instagram) are slowly stealing the show from TV stars? They built their image during the years with authenticity and consistency and established strong and real relationship with their audience, followers or subscribers as new content creators. The quantity, perception and visual approach of their audiovisual content have a major effect on the consumption of long text content. Bloggers have started to look over the fence: to the world of vlogging. They aim to pick up skills related to new tools and software in order to be part of the phenomenon and to avoid lagging behind the current content consuming habits. Photos by Nik Shuliahin and Josh Rose on Unsplash

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