The “Agencia Regional de Recaudacion” is a small part of the treasury office of Murcia, Sapin. The treasury office deals with contributors money and at the end of each financial year they make the information public in the form of a financial report. Our challenge was to create an attractive report that deals with numerous charts, graphs and technical information all related to one issue, money!
The concept the client wanted to illustrate was “SAVE”, this initial idea took us to the classic piggy bank icon. We created our very own piggy bank report, where the book was concelled inside. In order for our clients public to read the book they had to break open the piggy bank, hence bringing back that nostalgic feeling of saving for a rainy day.
Each section page depicts new ways of opening up your piggy bank and when creating graphs we used icons of the pig in various ways to illustrate financial information.
Piglet was created in collaboration with studio F33.