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Introducing our Partners – Media People (PL)

weCAN is an affiliate network that was founded by strong and successful independent agencies of Central and Eastern Europe in 2010. We are featuring our partners on our blog, this time let our friends at Media People in Poland introduce themselves!

Media People is a media house supplemented with additional competencies. We create a community of experienced media, marketing and business experts.

Who we are

Media People has been created by a community of experienced media, marketing and business experts. We have worked in the industry since it was created in Poland (the 90s). We know it inside out thanks to multi-year work in key positions in the biggest media and in network media houses. The partners of Media People founded a media house after 10 years of success in creating another independent media house. Our company is therefore their next successful business project.

How we work

We implement effective campaigns by taking a wider perspective while looking at the client and preparing their entire company to optimise sales results arising from the campaign. Therefore, we think that even a campaign prepared in the best way will be inefficient or not good enough if other sectors of company’s activity are not ready for it. Campaigns created for our clients are implemented in an integrated and strategic way. We are able to provide an excellent implementation of the plan in all channels of communication. We create communication strategies based on touch points with the target group, consumer insights and communication pattern adequate to particular segments. We specialise in working for small and medium sized enterprises, giving them the opportunity to cooperate with experienced experts – the people of practice, who have been working for years in positions key to international and Polish brands. We also work for international corporations, which are small or medium marketing players on Polish market. Our master quality is 360-degree thinking in all of our work.

Our core service

Our key area of ​​work is creating media communication starting form strategies of media communication. We deliver business analyzes of target groups, analyzes of competitors' activities, planning and buying all media in Poland (including SEM, SM, WOM), monitoring and evaluation after campaign. Media People is a strategic content partner FMZ (Integrated Marketing Forum) and has its representative  in the Program Council of the conference. More at https://fmz.smb.pl Our experts are lecturers at the SWPS University in Warsaw on postgraduate studies (Modern Communication). Our company has been appreciated by the industry from the very beginning. After a year of operation, we received  “The debut of the year” award given by a professional monthly magazine PRESS. We get the highest ratings in reports evaluating the media houses published by Media & Marketing Poland.


We work on the basis of all standard professional media research (Kantar Millward Brown, AGB Nielsen Media Research Gemius etc). For special customers' needs, we can purchase additional research.

Some of our clients (not including their all brands)

Partners of Media People

Michał Polański president/ partner Weronika Szwarc-Bronikowska vicepresident/partner

Get in touch
with us

If you would like to contact us or just want to say something, we’d love to hear from you!


Dóra Pethő
Communications Manager
+36 70 380 7107


Dávid Mosolygó
Regional Account Director
+36 20 350 2160


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